====== 息税前利润(EBIT) ====== ===== 什么是息税前利润 ===== 息税前利润(Earnings Before Interest and Taxes, EBIT) Earnings before interest and taxes is an indicator of a company's profitability. One can calculate it as revenue minus expenses, excluding tax and interest. EBIT is also referred to as operating earnings, operating profit, and profit before interest and taxes. ===== EBIT的计算 ===== EBIT = Revenue − COGS − Operating Expenses 或 EBIT = Net Income + Interest + Taxes 其中:COGS = Cost of goods sold You calculate EBIT by taking a company's cost of manufacturing including raw materials, as well as the company's total operating expenses, which includes employee wages and subtract those figures from revenue. The steps are outlined below: - Take revenue or sales from the top of the income statement. - Subtract the cost of goods sold from revenue or sales, which gives you gross profit. - Subtract the operating expenses from the gross profit figure to achieve EBIT. Key Takeaways * EBIT is a company's net income before income tax expense and interest expenses have been deducted. * EBIT is used to analyze the performance of a company's core operations without the costs of the capital structure and tax expenses impacting profit. * EBIT is also known as operating income since they both exclude interest expenses and taxes from their calculations. However, there are cases when operating income can differ from EBIT. ===== EBIT告诉我们什么 ===== Earnings before and taxes measures the profit a company generates from its operations, making it synonymous with operating profit. By ignoring taxes and interest expense, EBIT focuses solely on a company's ability to generate earnings from operations, ignoring variables such as the tax burden and capital structure. EBIT is an especially useful metric because it helps to identify a company's ability to generate enough earnings to be profitable, pay down debt, and fund ongoing operations. ===== 参考 ===== - [[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ebit.asp]]